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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10687850"

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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 

International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
4 October 2001 (04.10.2001) 


(10) International Publication Number 

WO 01/73114 A2 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : C12Q l/32 t 1/26 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US0 1/076 19 

(22) International Filing Date: 8 March 2001 (08.03.2001 ) 

(25) Filing Language: English 

(26) Publication Language: English 

(30) Priority Data: 


28 March 2000 (28.03.2000) US 

(71) Applicant: LIFESCAN, INC. [US/US]; 1000 Gibraltar 
Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035-6312 (US). 

(72) Inventor: OUYANG, Tianmei; 41945 Via San Gabriel, 
Fremont, CA 94539 (US). 

(74) Agent: FIELD, Bret, E.; Bozicevic, Field & Francis LLP, 
Suite 200, 200 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG. AL, AM, AT, AU, 
DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, 
HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, 
LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK. MN, MW, MX, MZ, 
NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK. SL, TJ, TM, 
TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, 
, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, 
CG, CI. CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD. TG). 


— without international search report and to be republished 
upon receipt of that report 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 



Mr sec; 

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t* 0.0335 



at ft 13 0l2 (L29 QJ 

Theoretical Rata; Tne predicted rate 
dtephorase and PUS individually. 

Conclusion: The reaction rata is accelerated 

based on the mm of the r ea ctio n rats catalyzed by 
and PMS together. 

by iiuxiJiQ 

£5 (57) Abstract: Signal producing systems, reagent compositions, test strips and kits of the same, as well as methods for their use in 
— the detection of an analyte in a sample, are provided. The subject signal producing systems are characterized by having at least a first 
^ and second electron transfer agent and a redox indicator, where in many preferred embodiments the systems include a proteinaceous 
and non-proteinaceous electron transfer agent, e.g. a phenazine compound and a diaphorase. In many preferred embodiments, the 
subject systems and kits further include at least one of and often both of an enzyme cofactor and an enzyme having an analyte 
oxidizing activity, e.g. an analyte dehydrogenase. The subject systems, reagent compositions, test strips and kits find use in the 
^ detection of a wide variety of analytcs in a sample, such as a physiological sample, e.g. blood or a fraction thereof. 

WO 01/731 14 




Field of the Invention 

The field of this invention is analyte detection, particularly reagent systems for use in 
analyte detection. 

Background of the Invention 

Analyte detection in physiological fluids, e.g. blood or blood derived products, is of 
ever increasing importance to today's society. Analyte detection assays find use in a variety 
of applications, including clinical laboratory testing, home testing, etc, where the results of 
such testing play a prominent role in diagnosis and management in a variety of disease 
conditions. Analytes of interest include alcohol, formaldehyde, glucose, glutamic acid, 
glycerol, beta-hydroxybutyrate, L-lactate, leucine, malic acid, pyruvic acid, steroids, etc. In 
response to this growing importance of analyte detection, a variety of analyte detection 
protocols and devices for both clinical and home use have been developed. Many of the 
protocols and devices that have been developed to date employ a signal producing system to 
identify the presence of the analyte of interest in a physiological sample, such as blood. 

One type of signal producing system that finds use in the detection of a variety of 
different analytes is one in which a dehydrogenase oxidizes the analyte of interest and 
concomitantly reduces an enzyme cofactor, such as NAD(P)+. The reduced form of the 
cofactor, e.g. NAD(P)H, is then detected through subsequent reaction with a cofactor 
oxidizing agent, e.g. phenazine methosulfate or a diaphorase, that transfers an electron to a 
redox indicator, such as a tetrazolium salt, to produce a detectable product. 

While a variety of such signal producing systems have been developed to date for use 
in the detection of a wide variety of different analytes, there continues to be a need for the 
further development of such systems. For example, a signal producing system which 
provided for an enhanced reaction rate and a lower cost would be of great interest. 
Relevant Literature 

U.S. Patents of interest include: 4,629,697; 5,126,247 and 5,902,731. See also Raap 
et al., Histochem. J. (1983) 15:881-893. 


WO 01/73114 


Signal producing systems, reagent compositions, test strips and kits of the same, as 
well as methods for their use in the detection of an analyte in a sample, are provided. The 
subject signal producing systems are characterized by having at least a first and second 

5 electron transfer agent and a redox indicator, where in many preferred embodiments the 
systems include a proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous electron transfer agent, e.g. a 
phenazine compound and a diaphorase. In many preferred embodiments, the subject systems 
and kits further include both an enzyme cofactor and an enzyme having an analyte oxidizing 
activity, e.g. an analyte dehydrogenase. The subject systems, reagent compositions, test 

10 strips and kits find use in the detection of a wide variety of analytes in a sample, such as a 
physiological sample, e.g. blood or a fraction thereof. 

Fig. 1 provides a graphical representation of the observed rate of reaction in a test 
15 strip according to the subject invention vs. the theoretical expected rate of reaction for a test 
strip that includes both PMS and a diaphorase, clearly demonstrating that the use of both a 
non-proteinaceous and proteinaceous electron transfer agent, e.g. PMS and a diaphorase, 
provides for an unexpected increase in the rate of reaction. 


Signal producing systems, reagent compositions, test strips and kits of the same, as 
well as methods for their use in the detection of an analyte in a sample, are provided. The 
subject signal producing systems are characterized by having at least a first and second 
electron transfer agent and a redox indicator, where in many preferred embodiments the 

25 systems include a proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous electron transfer agent, e.g. a 

phenazine compound and a diaphorase. In many preferred embodiments, the subject systems 
and kits further include both an enzyme cofactor and an enzyme having an analyte oxidizing 
activity, e.g. an analyte dehydrogenase. The subject systems, reagent compositions, test 
strips and kits find use in the detection of a wide variety of analytes in a sample, such as a 

30 physiological sample, e.g. blood or a fraction thereof 

Before the subject invention is described further, it is to be understood that the 
invention is not limited to the particular embodiments of the invention described below, as 


WO 01/73114 




variations of the particular embodiments may be made and still fall within the scope of the 
appended claims. It is also to be understood that the terminology employed is for the purpose 
of describing particular embodiments, and is not intended to be limiting. Instead, the scope 
of the present invention will be established by the appended claims. 

In this specification and the appended claims, singular references include the plural, 
unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. Unless defined otherwise, all technical and 
scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood to one of 
ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs. 

Signal Producing Systems 

As summarized above, the subject invention provides a signal producing system that 
is capable of detecting the presence of a reduced enzyme cefaclor in a sample. By signal 
producing system is meant a collection of two or more compounds or molecules which are 
capable of acting in concert, when combined, to produce a detectable signal that is indicative 
of the presence of, and often amount of, a particular analyte in a given sample. The term 
signal producing system is used broadly to encompass both a mixture of all of the reagent 
constituents of the signal producing system as well as a system in which one or more of the 
reagent constituents are separated from the remainder of the reagent constituents, e.g. as is 
20 present in a kit. 

A feature of the subject signal producing systems is the presence of two distinct 
electron transfer agents. By electron transfer agent is meant a compound or molecule that 
can transfer an electron, in the form of a hydride ion, from a reduced enzyme cofactor to a 
redox indicator. In the subject signal producing systems, the first of the distinct electron 

25 transfer agents is a low molecular weight molecule, while the second electron transfer agent 
is a high molecular weight molecule. In this specification, low molecular weight means a 
molecular weight that does not exceed about 2000 daltons, usually about 1000 daitons and in 
many embodiments about 500 daltons. High molecular weight means a molecular weight of 
at least about 5000 daltons and in many embodiments 10,000 or 20,000 daltons or higher. 

30 The molecular weight of the high molecular weight electron transfer agent often will not 
exceed about 100,000 daltons. In many embodiments, the low molecular weight electron 
transfer agent is a non-proteinaceous compound while the high molecular weight electron 


WO 01/73114 


transfer agent is a proteinaceous compound. By proteinaceous is meant a polypeptide or 
polymeric mimetic thereof. 

A variety of low molecular weight non-proteinaceous electron transfer agents are of 
interest. These agents include: flavins such as riboflavin (RBF), alloxazine 

5 (ALL) and lumichrome (LC); phenazines such as phenazine, phenazine methosulfate (PMS), 
phenazine ethosulfate, methoxyphenazine methosulfate and safranine; methyl- 1, 4-naphthol 
(menadione), phenothiazines such as PT and its radical cation, PT+, thionin (TH), azure A 
(AA), azure B (AB), azure C (AC), methylene blue (MB), methylene green (MG) and 
toluidine blue 0 (TOL); phenoxazines such as phenoxazine (PQA), basic blue 3 (BB3), and 

10 brilliant cresyl blue ALD (BCBA), benzo-ct-phenazoxonium chloride (Medola's blue); 
Indophenols such as 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCEP); and Indamines such as 
Bindschedler's green and phenylene blue; and the like.: Of particular interest in many 
embodiments are phenazine compounds, e.g. PMS, phenazine ethosulfate, 
methoxyphenazine methosulfate and safranine, where PMS is the low molecular weight, 

15 non-proteinaceous electron transfer agent in many embodiments. 

In many embodiments, the high molecular weight proteinaceous electron transfer 
agent is an enzyme that is capable of oxidizing a reduced cofactor, e.g. NAD(P)H, and 
concomitantly reducing a redox indicator. In many embodiments, this electron transfer 
enzyme is a diaphorase, such as lipoic dehydrogenase, ferredoxin-NADP reductase, 

20 lipoamide dehydrogenase, N ADPH dehydrogenase, etc. A variety of diaphorases are 

available and may be employed, where representative commercially available diaphorases 
that may be present in the subject signal producing systems include bacillus diaphorase, 
Clostridium diaphorase, vibrio diaphorase, porcine diaphorase, and the like. 

In the subject signal producing systems, the ratio of the first to the second electron 

25 transfer agent is chosen to provide for an accelerated reaction rate as compared to a control, 
e.g. a comparable signal producing system with a single electron transfer agent, e.g. only 
PMS or a diaphorase. Typically, the ratio of the first to the second electron transfer agent in 
the subject systems ranges from about 0.001 to 10, usually from about 0.01 to 1.0 and more 
usually from about 0.05 to 0.5 (nmole/U), respectively. 

30 In addition to the above described first and second electron transfer agents, the 

subject signal producing systems also include a redox indicator. By redox indicator is meant 
a compound that is capable of being reduced by the electron transfer agents to produce a 
detectable, e.g. chromogenic, product. Where the redox indicator produces a chromogenic 

WO 01/731 14 


product, i.e. the redox indicator is a chromogen, suitable chromogens are any compound 
capable of changing color upon reduction by one or more electrons, where suitable 
chromogens are generally ones that accept electrons from the electron transfer agents, 
described above. 

A variety of different redox indicator compounds are of interest. Compounds of 
interest include: oxazines, thiazines, and tetrazolium salts. Of particular interest in many 
embodiments are tetrazolium salts which are capable of accepting the captured hydride from 
the electron transfer agents to form a colored formazan product. In many embodiments, these 
salts have the advantageous feature of being faint yellow in the oxidized form, but turn 
bright visible colors upon electron reduction and conversion to formazan dyes. Tetrazolium 
compounds or salts that are of particular interest include: 2-(2' benzothiazolyl)-5-styryl-3- 
(4'-phthalhydrazidyl) tetrazolium (BSPT); 2-benzothiazolyl-(2)-3,5-diphenyl tetrazolium 
(BTDP), 2,3-di(4-nitrophenyl) tetrazolium (DNP); 2,5-diphenyl-3-(4-styrylphenyl) 
tetrazolium (DPSP); distyryl nitroblue tetrazolium (DS-NBT); 3,3'-[3,3'-dimethoxy-(l,l'- 
biphenyl)-4,4'-diyl]-bis[2-(4-nitrophenyl)-5- phenyI(-2H tetrazolium (NBT); 3-(4,5- 
dimethyI-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H tetrazolium (MTT); 2-phenyl-3-(4-carboxyphenyl)-5- 
methyl tetrazolium (PCPM); tetrazolium blue (TB); thiocarbamyl nitroblue tetrazolium 
(TCNBT); tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT); tetrazolium violet (TV); 2- 

2H-tetrazolium (WST-4); 2,2'-dibenzothiazolyI-5,5'-bis[4-di(2- 

disodium salt (WST-5); 2-(p-nitrophenyl)-3-(p-iodophenyl)-5-phenyltetrazolium chloride 
(INT); and the like. WST-5 is preferred in many embodiments because it readily dissolves in 
an aqueous medium, which is most compatible with biological samples. Furthermore, the 
resulting formazan compound exhibits strong spectral absorption at the purple-blue region, 
thus reducing the need for correcting the background signal from hemoglobin. Other useful 
tetrazolium salts are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,490,465; 4,491,63 1; 4,598,042; 4,351,899; 
4,271,265; 4,247,633; 4,223,090; 4,215,917; 4,142,938; 4,024,021; 3,867,259; 3,867,257; 
3,791,931; and 4,254,222; the disclosures of which are herein incorporated by reference. 

The above described signal producing systems are capable of detecting the presence 
of a reduced enzyme cofactor in a sample, particularly an aqueous sample and more 
particularly a physiological sample, e.g. whole blood or a fraction or derivative thereof. A 
variety of different reduced enzyme cofactors may be detected using the subject signal 

WO 01/73114 


producing systems, where representative reduced enzyme cofactors include the reduced 
forms of the following cofactors: beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (beta-NAD), beta- 
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (beta-NADP), thionicotinamide adenine 
dinucleotide, thionicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, nicotinamide 1,N6- 
5 ethenoadenine dinucleotide, nicotinamide l,N6-ethenoadenine dinucleotide phosphate, and 
pyrrolo-quinoline quinone (PQQ). The subject signal producing systems are particularly 
suited for use in the detection of NADH or NAD(P)H. 

In many applications in which the subject signal producing systems find use, the 
reduced enzyme cofactor is one that is produced following the oxidation of an analyte of 

10 interest in a sample. In many embodiments, therefore, the subject signal producing systems 
also include the enzyme cofactor and an analyte oxidizing enzyme that is capable of 
oxidizing the analyte of interest and concomitantly reducing the enzyme cofactor. Enzyme 
cofactors of interest include those described above, i.e. beta-nicotinamide adenine 
dinucleotide (beta-NAD), beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (beta-NADP), 

15 thionicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, thionicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, 
nicotinamide l,N6-ethenoadenine dinucleotide, nicotinamide 1 ,N6-ethenoadenine 
dinucleotide phosphate, and pyrrolo-quinoline quinone (PQQ). Enzyme cofactors of 
particular interest that may be included in the subject signal producing systems include: 

20 The analyte oxidizing enzyme present in the signal producing system necessarily 

depends on the nature of the analyte to be detected with the system. Representative analyte 
oxidizing enzymes of interest include: alcohol dehydrogenase for alcohol, formaldehyde 
dehydrogenase for formaldehyde, glucose dehydrogenase for glucose, glucose-6-phosphate 
dehydrogenase for glucose-6-phosphate, glutamate dehydrogenase for glutamic acid, 

25 glycerol dehydrogenase for glycerol, beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase for beta- 

hydroxybutyrate, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase for steroid, L-lactate dehydrogenase for L- 
lactate, leucine dehydrogenase for leucine, malate dehydrogenase for malic acid, and 
pyruvate dehydrogenase for pyruvic acid. As can be seen from the above representative list, 
the analyte oxidizing enzyme is typically a dehydrogenase. 


Reagent Compositions 

Also provided by the subject invention are reagent compositions for use in detecting 
at least a reduced enzyme cofactor, and in many embodiments and analyte, in a sample. The 


WO 01/73114 


reagent compositions may be fluid, e.g. aqueous, or dry compositions, where in many 
embodiments the reagent compositions are dry compositions. At a minimum, the subject 
reagent compositions are ones that include the first and second electron transfer agent and 
the redox indicator, where these components are described above. Such reagent 
compositions are suitable for use in the detection of reduced enzyme cofactors, e.g. 
NAD(P)H, in a sample. In many embodiments, however, the reagent compositions further 
mclude an enzyme cofactor and an analyte oxidizing enzyme, where these components are 
described above. 

Reagent Test Strips 

Also provided by the subject invention are reagent test strips for use in detecting the 
presence of an analyte in a sample. In particular, the invention provides dry strips for 
assaying for a particular analyte in whole blood, e.g. in beta-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, etc. 
In the broadest sense, the reagent test strip includes a solid support and a dry reagent 
composition present thereon, where the dry reagent composition is made up of all of the 
reagent compounds necessary to produce a detectable signal in the presence of the analyte of 
interest. In most embodiments of the subject invention, the dry reagent composition present 
on the subject test strip is one that includes the following members: an analyte oxidizing 
enzyme, an enzyme cofactor, first and second electron transfer agents and a redox indicator, 
where each of these constituent members are described in greater detail supra. 

In many embodiments, the subject test strips include a membrane test pad that is 
affixed to a solid support. The support may be a plastic - e.g., polystyrene, nylon, or 
polyester - or metallic sheet or any other suitable material known in the art. In many 
embodiments, the test pad preferably comprises a bibulous, such as filter paper or polymer 
membrane. Associated with the test pad, e.g. coated onto the test pad, incorporated into the 
test pad, etc., is the reagent composition. The strip may also be configured in more complex 
arrangements, e.g. where the test pad is present between the support and a surface layer, 
where one or more reagents employed in sample processing may be present on the surface 
layer. In addition, flow paths or channels may be present on the test strip, as is known in the 
art. Of interest in many embodiments are the test strip configurations disclosed in U.S. 
Patent No. 5,902,731, the disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference. 

The subject test strips may be fabricated employing any convenient protocol. One 
convenient protocol is to contact at least the test pad portion of the strip with an aqueous 

WO 01/73114 PCT/US01/07619 

composition that includes all of the members of the reagent composition that is to be 
associated with the test pad in the final reagent test strip. Conveniently, the test pad may be 
immersed in the aqueous composition, maintained therein for a sufficient period of time and 
then dried, whereby the test pad of the reagent test strip which has associated therewith the 

5 reagent composition is produced. As stated above, the aqueous composition will include the 
various members of the reagent composition to be associated with the test pad of the reagent 
test strip, where the various members are present in amounts sufficient to provide for the 
desired amounts in the reagent composition that is produced on the test pad. As such, the 
concentration of non-proteinaceous electron transfer agent present in this aqueous 

10 composition typically ranges from about 1 jiM to 1000 pM, usually from about 10 jiM to 
500 liM; while the concentration of proteinaceous electron transfer agent in the aqueous 
composition ranges from about SOU to 3000 U, usually from about 100 U to 1000 U. The 
concentration of redox reagent present in the aqueous composition ranges from about 3 mM 
to 36 mM, usually from about 6 mM to 24mM. When present, the enzyme cofactor ranges in 

15 concentration from about 1.5 mM to 28 mM, usually from about 3.5mM to 14 mM. 

Similarly, the analyte oxidizing agent enzyme ranges in concentration from about 100 U to 
2000 U, and usually from about 200 U to 1000 U when present. Other components that may 
be present in this aqueous composition employed to prepare the reagent test strip include 
sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, Tris, PSSA, Tetronic 1307, Crotein-SPA, sucrose, 

20 oxamic acid, sodium salt, and the like. See the experimental section, infra, for a more 

detailed description of a representative method for preparing the subject reagent test strips. 

Methods of Analyte detection 

The above described signal producing systems, reagent compositions and test strips 

25 find use in methods of detecting the presence of, and often the amount of, an analyte in a 
sample. A variety of different analytes may be detected using the subject methods, where 
representative analytes include those described above, e.g. alcohol, formaldehyde, glucose, 
glutamic acid, glycerol, beta-hydroxybutyrate, L-iactate, leucine, malic acid, pyruvic acid, 
steroids, etc. While in principle, the subject methods may be used to determine the presence, 

30 and often concentration, of an analyte in a variety of different physiological samples, such as 
urine, tears, saliva, and the like, they are particularly suited for use in determining the 
concentration of an analyte in blood or blood fractions, e.g. blood derived samples, and more 
particularly in whole blood. 


WO 01/73114 PCT/US01/07619 

An important feature of the subject methods is that use of the subject signal 
producing systems that include both first and second electron transfer agents provides for an 
accelerated reaction time as compared to a control system, e.g. a system that includes a 
single electron transfer agent. Generally, the reaction rate is accelerated or enhanced by a 
5 factor of 1 to 3 depending on the ratio of PMS and diaphorase. Furthermore, the reaction rate 
is greater than the theoretical or predicted rate which would be expected based on the 
summation of the rates provided by the individual electron transfer agents by a factor of I 
to3. Where the reaction rate is measured in terms of K/S per sec (see the experimental 
section infra) the K/S per sec for a reaction in which the subject signal producing systems 
10 are employed typically ranges from about 0.01 to 10, usually from about 0.05 to 5 and more 
usually from about 0. 1 to 2. 

In the subject methods, the sample and the signal producing system are combined 
into a reaction mixture, the reaction is allowed to proceed for a sufficient period to time to 
generate a signal indicative of the presence of (and often amount of) analyte in the sample, 

15 and the resultant signal is detected and related to the presence of (and often amount of) 
analyte in the sample. In the broadest sense, the reaction mixture may be produced in any 
convenient environment, such as a cuvette or other fluid containment means. However, in 
many embodiments, the above steps take place on a reagent test strip as described supra. As 
such, the subject methods are now discussed further in terms of methods in which a reagent 

20 test strip is employed. 

In practicing the subject methods, the first step is to apply a quantity of the 
physiological sample to the test strip, where the test strip is described supra. The amount of 
physiological sample, e.g. blood, that is applied to the test strip may vary, but generally 
ranges from about 2[iL to 40uL, usually from about 5uL to 20uL. Because of the nature 

25 of the subject test strip, the blood sample size that is applied to the test strip may be 

relatively small, ranging in size from about 2uL to 40jiL, usually from about 5uL to 20uL. 
Where blood is the physiological sample, blood samples of a variety of different hematocrits 
may be assayed with the subject methods, where the hematocrit may range from about 20% 
to 65%, usually from about 25% to 60%. 

30 Following application of the sample to the test strip, the sample is allowed to react 

with the members of the signal producing system to produce a detectable product that is 
present in an amount proportional to the initial amount of the analyte of interest present in 
the sample. The amount of detectable product, i.e. signal produced by the signal producing 

WO 01/73114 


system, is then determined and related to the amount of analyte in the initial sample. In 
certain embodiments, automated instruments that perform the above mentioned detection 
and relation steps are employed. The above described reaction, detection and relating steps, 
as well as instruments for performing the same, are further described in U.S. Patent Nos. 

5 4,734,360; 4,900,666; 4,935,346; 5,059,394; 5,304,468; 5,306,623; 5,418,142; 5,426,032; 
5,515,170; 5,526,120; 5,563,042; 5,620,863; 5,753,429; 5,573,452; 5,780,304; 5,789,255; 
5,843,691; 5,846,486; 5,902,731; 5,968,836 and 5,972,294; the disclosures of which are 
herein incorporated by reference. In the relation step, the derived analyte concentration 
takes into account the constant contribution of competing reactions to the observed signal, 

10 e.g. by calibrating the instrument accordingly. 


AJso provided by the subject invention are kits for use in practicing the subject 
methods. The kits of the subject invention at least include a signal producing system as 

15 described above, where the signal producing system components may be combined into a 
single reagent composition or separated, e.g. present in separate containers. In certain 
embodiments, the signal producing system will be present in the kits in the form of a reagent 
test strip, as described supra. The subject kits may further include a means for obtaining a 
physiological sample. For example, where the physiological sample is blood, the subject kits 

20 may further include a means for obtaining a blood sample, such as a lance for sticking a 
finger, a lance actuation means, and the like. In addition, the subject kits may include a 
control solution or standard, e.g. an analyte control solution that contains a standardized 
concentration of analyte. In certain embodiments, the kits also include an automated 
instrument, as described above, for detecting the amount of product produced on the strip 

25 following sample application and relating the detected product to the amount of analyte in 
the sample. Finally, the kits include instructions for using the subject kit components in the 
determination of an analyte concentration in a physiological sample. These instructions may 
be present on one or more of the packaging, a label insert, containers present in the kits, and 
the like. 


The following examples are offered by way of illustration and not by way of 


WO 01/73114 


A. Preparation of Ketone Test Strip 

An 0.8 \xm nylon membrane obtained from Cuno (Meridien, CT) was dipped into the 
reagent of Table 1, until saturated. 

Table 1 



100 ml 


sodium chloride (MW 56.44, Sigma St. Louis. MO) 

1.2 gm 

Magnesium Chloride (MW 203, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) 

560 mg 

PSSA, polystyrenesulfonic acid, sodium salt (MW 70.000) 

Crotein-SPA (Croda Inc M Parsippany, NJ) 

Oxamic acid, sodium salt 

Tetronic 1307 (BASF Corporation, Mount Olive, NJ) 

1 » wi*rw. l^J/ 

Sucrose (MW 342.30, Aldrich Chemicals. M ilwaukee WI) 


3 gm 

250 mg 

2 gm 

NAD (MW 663.4, N7004. Sipma. St. Louis. MO) 

5 gm 

D-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 

450 mg 

50.000 U 

WST-5 (MW 1331.37. Dojindo, Japan) 


1.8 gm 

Phenazine Methosulfate (PMS) 

0-15000 U 

0-3 mg 

The excess reagent was scraped off gently with a glass rod. The resulting membrane was 
hung to dry in a 56 °C oven for 10 minutes. Porex (0.6 mm thick) was soaked in the 5% 
nitrite solution and then hung to dry in a 100 °C oven for ten hours. Finally, the membrane 
was laminated between a polyester stock (0.4 mm Melenex® polyester from ICI America, 
Wilmington DE) and the nitrite impregnated Porex. 

B. Assays 

Using the following protocol, 10 of aqueous samples comprising 40mg/dL p) 0- 
hydroxybutyrate were tested on strips as described above, where the strips varied in terms of 
the amount of PMS and/or Diaphorase present on the strip. A 10 ml aqueous sample was 
applied onto a freshly prepared test strip. The strip was inserted into a reflectometer and 
data acquisition was commenced. The relectance of the reading strip was monitored at 660 
nm at one-second intervals for two minutes. Next, the data were uploaded from the , 
reflectometer's memory buffer to a personal computer via a modified serial cable. The 
reaction rate was calculated based on the initial rate of change in K/S at the range where the 
reaction profile was linear. The results summarized in Table 2 were averages of five 
replicates.. In each individual assay, the reaction rate (in terms of K/S per sec) was observed. 


WO 01/73114 


(K/S is a measure of reflectance, discussed and defined in USP 4,935,346, col. 14, the 
disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.) Table 2 provides the results. 

Table 2 

DAD and PMS Formulation Separately 

DAD and PMS Formulated 

































































Too fast* 

t Theoretical rate, i.e. the predicted rate based on the sum of the reaction rate catalyzed by 

5 diaphorase and PMS individually. 

* The reaction is too fast and difficult to calculate the rate precisely. 

C. Observed Rate v. Theoretical Rate 

Table 3 below provides a comparison of the observed rate and the expected or 
10 theoretical rate for the above described assays. 

Table 3 

Theoretical Rate (K/S per sec) 

Observed Rate (K/S per sec) 











Fig. 1 provides a graph of the observed rate vs. the theoretical rate. 
As can be seen by the graph of Figure 1, the reaction rate of the signal producing 
15 system of the test strip is accelerated by the presence of both PMS and Diaphorase, where 
the magnitude of the observed acceleration is unexpectedly greater than the predicted 
amount of acceleration based on the sum of the reaction rates of systems having PMS or 
Diaphorase individually. 

20 It is evident from the above results and discussion that the subject invention provides 

for a significant and unexpected enhancement in the rate of reaction observed in an analyte 
detection protocol based on the oxidation of an analyte and the concomitant reduction of a 
redox indicator. In addition, the subject invention provides for a more economical manner of 
analyte detection, as compared to certain prior art methods, e.g. ones that rely solely on 


WO 01/73114 


diaphorase as the electron transfer agent. As such, the subject invention represents a 
significant contribution to the art. 

All publications and patents cited in this specification are herein incorporated by 
reference as if each individual publication or patent were specifically and individually 
indicated to be incorporated by reference. The citation of any publication is for its disclosure 
prior to the filing date and should not be construed as an admission that the present invention 
is not entitled to antedate such publication by virtue of prior invention. 

Although the foregoing invention has been described in some detail by way of 
illustration and example for purposes of clarity of understanding, it is readily apparent to 
those of ordinary skill in the art in light of the teachings of this invention that certain changes 
and modifications may be made thereto without departing from the spirit or scope of the 
appended claims. 


WO 01/731 14 



1 . A signal producing system for detecting the presence of a reduced cofactor in a 
sample, said system comprising; 

5 first and second electron transfer agents capable of oxidizing a reduced cofactor; and 

a redox indicator. 

2. The signal producing system according to Claim 1, wherein said first electron 
transfer agent is a low molecular weight electron transfer agent. 


3. The signal producing system according to Claim 2, wherein said low molecular 
weight electron transfer agent is a phenazine compound. 

4. The signal producing system according to Claim 1, wherein said second electron 
15 transfer agent is a high molecular weight electron transfer agent. 

5. The signal producing system according to Claim 1, wherein said high molecular 
weight electron transfer agent is a proteinaceous compound. 

20 6. The signal producing system according to Claim 5, wherein said proteinaceous 
compound is an enzyme. 

7. The signal producing system according to Claim 1, wherein said redox indicator is a 
tetrazolium compound. 


8. The signal producing system according to Claim 1, wherein said signal producing 
system further comprises an enzyme cofactor. 

9. The signal producing system according to Claim 1, wherein said system further 
30 comprises an analyte oxidizing enzyme. 

10. The signal producing system according to Claim 1, wherein said signal producing 
system is present as a reagent composition. 


WO 01/73,14 PCT/US01/076I9 

1 1. A reagent composition for use in detecting the presence of an analyte in a sample, 
said composition comprising: 

an analyte oxidizing enzyme; 

an enzyme cofactor; 

a non-proteinaceous electron transfer agent; 
a proteinaceous electron transfer agent; and 
a redox indicator. 

12. The reagent composition according to Claim 11, wherein said enzyme cofactor is 

13. The reagent composition according to Claim 1 1, wherein said non-proteinaceous 
electron transfer agent is a phenazine compound. 

14. The reagent composition according to Claim 1 1, wherein said proteinaceous electron 
transfer agent is a diaphorase. 

15. The reagent composition according to Claim 11, wherein said redox indicator is a 
tetrazolium compound. 

16. The reagent composition according to Claim 1 1, wherein said composition is a dry 
reagent composition. 

17. A reagent composition for use in detecting the presence of an analyte in a sample, 
said composition comprising: 

an analyte dehydrogenase 

a phenazine compound; 

a diaphorase; and 

a tetrazolium compound. 

18. The reagent composition according to Claim 1 7, wherein said phenazine compound 
is phenazine methosulfate. 


WO 01/73114 PCT/US01/07619 

19. The reagent composition according to Claim 17, wherein said composition is a dry 
reagent composition. 

20. The reagent composition according to Claim 19, wherein said dry reagent 
5 composition is present on a test strip. 

21 . A reagent test strip comprising: 

(a) a support element; and 

(b) a dry reagent composition comprising: 

10 (i) an analyte oxidizing enzyme; 

(ii) an enzyme cofactor; 

(iii) a non-proteinaceous electron transfer agent; 

(iv) a proteinaceous electron transfer agent; and 

(v) a redox indicator. 


22. The reagent test strip according to Claim 21, wherein said first enzyme is a 

23. The reagent test strip according to Claim 21, wherein said cofactor is NAD(P)+. 


24. The reagent test strip according to Claim 21, wherein said non-proteinaceous electron 
transfer agent is a phenazine compound. 

25. The reagent test strip according to Claim 24, wherein said phenazine compound is 
25 phenazine methosulfate. 

26. The reagent test strip according to Claim 21 , wherein said proteinaceous electron 
transfer agent is a diaphorase. 

30 27. The reagent test strip according to Claim 21, wherein said redox indicator is a 
tetrazolium compound. 


WO 01/731 14 


28. In a method for detecting the presence of an analyte in a sample, the improvement 

employing a signal producing system according to Claim 

5 29. The method according to Claim 28, wherein said signal producing system is present 
as a reagent composition according to Claim 1 1 

30, The method according to Claim 29, wherein said reagent composition is present on a 
reagent test strip according to Claim 21. 

31. A kit for use in detecting the presence of an analyte in a sample, said kit comprising: 
a signal producing system according to Claim 1. 

32. The kit according to Claim 31, wherein said signal producing system is present as a 
reagent composition according to Claim 11. 

33. The kit according to Claim 32, wherein said reagent composition is present on a 
reagent test strip according to Claim 21 . 

34. The kit according to Claim 3 1 , wherein said kit further comprises a means for 
obtaining a physiological sample. 

35. The kit according to Claim 34, wherein said means for obtaining a physiological 
sample is a lance; 


WO 01/73114 


Figure 1 





Observed Rate (K/S per sec) vs Theoretical Rate 


Der sec] 




x 2 * 0.483 
t 2 « 0.963 

< + 0.0335 



f ♦ 


0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 

Theoretical Rate (K/S per sec) 



Theoretical Rate: The predicted rate based on the sum of the reaction rate catalyzed by 
diaphorase and PMS individually. 

Observed Rate: The reaction rate catalyzed by mixing diaphorase and PMS together. 
Conclusion: The reaction rate is accelerated by mixing diaphorase and PMS together.